Loan Marquee Request

Loan Marquee Request

Are you a School, Club or Charity in Country Victoria or Metro Melbourne and have a Mountain Shade Heavy Duty Marquee or Heavy Duty Gazebo already ?

If so, we will loan your organisation some marquees from our demo pool to help you with your next event. ( This is not a rental service )

Stay protected from the elements with a Mountain Shade“certified for public events” marquee. We have 3x3m, 3×4.5m,  and 3x6m  available for loan to Victorian & Melbourne based schools, clubs and not-for-profit organisations that already have a Mountain Shade Heavy Duty Marquee and are hosting an outdoor event within the region. We do this to help our customers who may need an extra marquee or two for an event, and its not able to get funds together to purchase an additional Mountain Shade Heavy Duty unit for the event. Access to this program is one of the reason you would buy a Mountain Shade Heavy Duty Marquee.

We prefer you to pickup and drop back the marquee’s from our warehouse, but we can deliver and pickup for a fee ( delivery/pickup its not cheap, so please pickup and dropoff yourselves )


Call 1300 320 540 or email

Step 1:Complete online form to nominate your interest and the dates you need

Step 2:Review and accept our Terms and Conditions on the form

Step 3:Submit online enquiry request

Step 4:Approval Email is your confirmation. You are then booked in to get the loan marquee. ( Note – we cannot guarantee roof colours, its whatever we have at the time )


Setup service is not included in your marquee loan. Check out our Setup Tutorials on Youtube.

Complete the below form as Step 1  to register your request and we will contact you with an approval email( which means the marquee is not booked by someone else already for your dates )

Terms and Conditions of Loan

1. The Requestor is approved by the Organisation to bind the Organisation to this agreement. The Supplier relies on this approval and may request proof of such approval.

2. The Organisation is liable for the payment of any monies requested by the Supplier if the units are not returned, or returned in a worse state than they were loaned. This determination is at the sole discretion of the Supplier. Such amounts will be invoiced by the Supplier.

3. The Organisation warrants they are an existing customer of the Supplier and can produce an Invoice number for verification if requested. The Supplier may waive this requirement at their discretion.

4. Any damage or loss of the loan marquees will trigger a purchase of the marquee units supplied at the RRP by the Organisation.

5. The Organisation warrants they can pickup and return the items as per the form declaration and if they cannot, they will pay a fee as set by the Supplier, if the Supplier is able to deliver such items.

6. The Organisation accepts that supply of the Loan marquees is at the sole discretion of the Supplier and approval to progress in the loan process is at the sole discretion of the Supplier.

Fill In The Form To Get Your Selections

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